Tuesday, April 23, 2013


So I think I am finally beginning to understand the term "opening night jitters." Our big night is only a little over a week away and we still have much to do! I am excited/nervous/excited/nervous....you get the idea! 

Mom and I are still getting our own items created to add to our place, we are busily creating and tweaking our displays, and we are still welcoming crafters! We recently welcomed Anabelle Cerdas-Chi of Tuanis Craft into Nana's. She is a fabulously talented weaver who creates the most UH-Mazing things on a loom and by hand. Her hand-crafted purses, rugs, scarves, wraps, tunics (and so many more beautiful items!) are coming to OUR STORE! Oh. Em. GEE. This lady has TALENT! 

In addition to the exciting first stages of the new store, we have also been invited to co-host a fundraiser for American Heart Association Heart Walk and American Cancer Society - Relay for Life! "Hearts of Moms" is going to be a dazzling event showcasing some of the area's finest talent for a women's shopping night. Benefiting Team Kailani (aka Kiki), a team created by my dear friend Mercy Stewart to support her daughter's struggles with heart disease, this event isn't to be missed. This evening is open to moms, daughters, grandmas, aunts, cousins, girlfriends...not just a "moms night out"....so kids are invited, too! There will be food and beverages, raffles and of course SHOPPING! Tickets are available for only a $5 donation!!! 

Here is a little information about the event and about darling Kiki: 
I will be down at the store tomorrow and hope to add some new pictures to share our progress. Thank you to all of you who are tracking our progress and as anxious for opening weekend as we are! Smooches ~Shara

Saturday, April 13, 2013

Sneak Peek

Mom and I went to the most fabulous sale today via a tip from my good friend Jenny over at Jenny Lipstick and Laundry! Oh. Em. GEE. SCORE! Fabulous statuary, rusty wrought iron....my heart skipped a beat and tumbled right outta my chest I was so excited! Mom and I had F U N finding the little odds and ends that will make up Nana's! Here's a sample of the haul:

Once that adventure was over (and BTW we ran into some old Nana's Attic customers from back in the day and they were as thrilled as we are about the new store!), we headed down to unload and rearrange some stuff to get an idea of the spaces we have available, how much room for ADA compliance, etc. Here's a little taste of what we have to look forward to:

We are having such a great time just finding stuff to put everywhere! We haven't even moved in all of our fabulous vendors yet!
Have a FABOO Saturday! ~Shara

Thursday, April 11, 2013

The Journey

Good Morning! I don't know what's more exciting....starting a new business or being able to do it with my absolute favorite person....my mama - aka Nana. Here's an update of where we are in the process!

  • Moving new things to the store every day. As more and more fun things are added we can actually see the store coming into focus! A blank slate is scary, but it really gets the creative juices a-flowin'! 
  • The business end is moving right along....licences, bank accounts, PayPal account - CHECK! Still a few more odds and ends to nail down, but so far I think we have the heavy stuff under control (well, not totally, but ya' know how we are.....ooohhh....something shiny!).
  • We could not have even gotten this far in the techno world without the visionary talent of my love Sandra Caldwell. OMG.....I could write PAGES about the love, support, creativity and encouragement my "other mama" has given us. 
  • We are still in need of CRAFTERS and ARTISANS for the store! We have great space available and would love to add more flair and sassy! If you or someone you know is afflicted with this obsession of being crazy with the crafty, CONTACT US!
  • Headed down to the store today to start hanging some display pieces and get a little more done in the way of fancying up the joint. Can't wait to post some pics!
  • BTW: I am a huge fan of bullets....and long-winded posts - just putting it out there! 
In the coming weeks and months, look forward to guest bloggers, fun tutorials and wacky posts by me and Nana....you never really know what's gonna come outta our mouths(er, keyboards?)! 

Our store is going to be a place for creativity, shopping, chatter, love, friendship, and probably me busting out spontaneously in song and/or dance....THAT fun. I hope to see all of my friends there - the ones I cherish and the ones I haven't even met yet. 

Smooches! ~Shara   

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

New Store

How exciting!! A new place for crafters and artisans  and repurposed goodies!! Old friends and new friends and my wonderful daughter as my partner! It just doesn't get better than this!!

I want to thank my great friend and sister of my heart Sandra Caldwell for setting this Blog and using her awesome talent. Thank you Thank you Thank you. I love you Sandra!!

Weekends at Nana's Attic Blog

Weekends at Nana's Attic
Welcome we are Dev & Shara
This is our new blog...
here is a little info about us below
Our Store will be open the first weekend of each month from Thursday to Sunday.
You will be able to visit us 4 days  a month only and shop and buy handmade and retail items , then we close and refresh our store for the next opening. 
We will have some well known California Crafters & Artists
From Garden Goodies to Vintage Furniture and
Re-made Creations & 
Original Paintings , Signs and so much more.
French Country, Folkart, Shabby Chic Decor items
Watch for our Grand Opening coming soon... and more info
Lodi, California USA

~ Work in Progress  ~
Artists & Crafters  Needed
If you have a blog or website and
 would like to link let us know.
email us at :